Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Mesin Absensi Primatech Alfa 300

Products Catalog: Mesin Absensi Primatech Alfa 300
Price: Rp. 5.500.000,00
Pack. & Delivery: Paket
Specification: User capacity: 2000
Transaction capacity: 50000
Algorithm version: Biokey VX8.0 high-speed double engines algorithm
Sensor: ZK New Green-Light Optical Sensor ( patent NO.: ZL2005 2 01123573)
Operating system: Linux
Verification mode: 1: 1 or 1: N
Communicational: TCP/ IP, RS485/ 232, USB-Client
Identification speed: = 1.5 seconds
FRR: = 0.01%
FAR: = 0.0001%
Power: 5V DC
Temperature operating: 0C - 45C
Humidity operating: 20% -80%
Language: English, Chinese
Size: 182( L) * 126( W) * 50( H) mm
Management software: New version T& A management software
Standard Function: Scheduled Bell, record checking, Short message.

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010



Most high level people don’t know about “Angkringan”, but for the small public, “Angkringan” is not strange anymore. We can see a lot of “Angkringan” in side of road. Even though, in television it. But there is one of the “Angkringan” which live near the gate of Taman Madya’s Jetis Senior High School, in Pakuningratan Street, Yogya. They call the “Angkringan” with “Café Kang Tinus”

A lot of student spend there money on the “Angkringan”. When the first bell ring on first rest, “Angkringan” will full with student from Taman Madya’s Café Jetis, Senior High School. Beside the price of foods and drinks is cheap, and also match with student pocket, the owner of this “Angkringan” is popular with his kindness. That is way the “Angkringan” is always full by customers. The “Café Kang Tinus” is popular with his special food such as “nasi kucing and cakar ayam”.

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009


Akademi Bahasa Asing berbasis IT (ABA Sinema) Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan Outbond dan Makrab Mahasiswa dengan Tim Outbond Wulubung dan di Penginapan Restu Ibu Kaliurang, 10-11 Oktober lalu, diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa mulai dari semester I samapai dengan V, 3 pembimbing, dan 2 narasumber. Kegiatan tersebut dibuka oleh Direktur ABA SINEMA Yogyakarta, Nyoman Hedi Triyodanto, S.Kom, mengatakan, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melatih para mahasiswa agar mandiri, mempunyai potensi, mempunyai sikap, fisik, mental yang baik, dan dapat bekerjasama antar mahasiswa.“ Diharapkan semua mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengorganisasikan dan melaksanakan kegiatan kampus sesuai dengan harapan”.ucapnya.
Bekal yang diberikan kepada peserta Outbond dan Makrab berupa materi antara lain ; Pelatihan, sikap, fisik, dan mental yang dikoordinator oleh Tim Outbond Wulubung, Latihan Keorganisasian, Kepemimpinan, dan Kewirausahaan yang disampaikan oleh Imam Nawawi, Pentas Seni dan Student Award, Penyerahan Kamera Panggul, guna menunjang kegiatan mahasiswa di bidang entertainment maupun multimedia yang diserahkan oleh Achmat Fauzi,SE.,MM, dll.
Dalam acara tersebut para peserta sangat antusias mengikuti semua kegiatan tersebut. Mereka dengan senang hati dan saling bekerjasama dalam melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan pada saat pelatihan. Dan pada saat penyampaian materi, mereka memperhatikan dengan seksama, dan aktif bertanya, juga pada saat pentas seni, hampir semua mahasiswa menampilkan potensi dan bakat yang mereka miliki.
Diadakannya acara tersebut, diharapkan para mahasiswa dapat mandiri, mempunyai sikap, fisik, dan mental yang bagus, dan dapat meningkatan mutu Sumber Daya Manusia.

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

English Day

English Day di kampus Aba Sinema, awal mulanya ide dari mahasiswa ABA Sinema semester 4 yang kemudian disosialisasikan untuk semua mahasiswa. Awalnya berjalan lancar, karena siapa aja yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris setiap hari selasa dan jumat, akan diberikan hukuman dengan menggunakan topi made in sendiri, pom-pom skirt, dan papan nama(kesalahan yang diperbuat), kartu kuning, sampai kartu merah. Diberikannya kartu merah, apabila telah melakukan kesalahan sampai tiga kali, lalu masuk ke kelas-kelas dan menjelaskan kesalahan yang diperbuat menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan tetap menggunakan properti hukuman sampai selesai kuliah. Akhirnya semuanya ikut berpartisipasi, akan tetapi apa yang terjadi sekarang? apakah English Day yang telah dicanangkan dan diberlakukan masih tetap berjalan?? Tunggu berita selanjutnya...

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

a good leader

In the world of work, wherever you work, both in the institutions of government and company officials need a professional, where a worker as we are required not to shuffle between personal interests, together, even the problems that have nothing to do with our work. We must remain responsible with our work, discipline and time on the regulations, and must remain consistent even though sometimes we have a complex problem, we still have to maintain good relations with our relationship work, especially as a leader, which should be a model for employees. I get inspiration from a leader of this private company that truly can be an example by employees, a leader who did not always come from the late regulations, which are sometimes even come early, do not mix work with personal interests, comply with the rules. Here he is a leader of the area assigned to control all the branches located in Central Java, both from the financial control reports, the influx of out goods fashion products, negotiate, to find places where the need to establish branches of the company based in Jakarta, which should work every day and he always met with many people and needed a way to keep good relations with labor relations, as well as with employees. He always smile and ask the news to employees, not easy when angry employees who did not order or make a mistake, he gives the example that should be done to avoid a more serious mistake, and he tried to find out what first-result of such employees , It was after he tried to speak well with employees, and provide a solution. He also likes to help employees work, (ranging from providing better service to the customer, take the goods come, and returns, and even spruce). He also gave an example, that the work should be completed today, still must be completed and can not be delayed, deferred. He also always open, like listening to the complaints / sharing, and as often as possible to give employees not to spoof tense, and a sense of comfort in the work, even sometimes he just invite employees to eat together or invite refreshing when he know that employees are saturated with the conditions they have complete work on certain months with good or achieve the target set by the central office. From the discipline, firm, prestige, care, as a leader are those that make employees aware to be responsible with their jobs, independent, and follow the existing regulations, also completed the work that must be done without the need to be first, in dictation, and employees feel enjoy working in the place because of a leader who can make their model, and leaders said that: "here we are partners working where we should cooperate with each other well and always tighten the strap of brotherhood, so here there are no leaders or subordinates." Thus the words that they become compact in work and not forget or leave the important points related to the job as a leader or as an employee who should be responsible and always consistent.

Sabtu, 08 November 2008

If there is a will, there is a way

Everything is depend on our thingking. So if we can do it, we can make it real, and if we have a dream to reach it, we must try and pray. Because God will give the way to get our dream come true. Belief is courage to do everything we want. There is no way out if we always do everything by the same way. Having strong body is important, but having good idea is more important.

Change Failure Becoming Success

Failure is the beginning of success if we can be called wise. Wise in the sense that someone who is experiencing failure can field the chest, and learn from failure, the correction of errors and weaknesses in ourselves and then immediately repaired, do not blame the environment around, but know the causes of failure, and then combine hard work, diligence, and continue to strive , Also pray, never to give up to achieve the success that we want, and, most importantly, never again repeat the failures / errors that we do. From the failure we have experienced, certainly we can take positive toward success. You have to work hard to be a success, because if we do something back, so we can get success. It is a process to success, and I want to be a success is always begun the first step.Good Luck! Hopefully your person Success!